Header- Thank you Ali for the AMAZING header! BreezeClan appreciates it, :)
Background- This is a temporary background until I get a custom one [hopefully], it is made by Thunderstar, thank you! :P


BreezeClan Territory

BreezeClan's territory is a moor with few trees and a lot of meadows. Are cats know how to live with the comforting crisp winds and open skys. But what most clans don't know is that we use the trees we have to our advantage with great lookout posts and prey.

BreezeClan Weather

BreezeClan's weather constantly changes. The snow has stopped but is still thick on the ground, it is very windy. Perfect for hunting. Hunting patrols and border patrols will need to be sent out. The rabbits are abondent right now.

BreezeClan Prophecy

There is no prophecy yet.


Flightstar's lives: 9
Total Cats: 31
Characteristics: We are swift, loyal, and agile, we love the open moor.
Prophecy Cats: None so far
Borders: No Tresspassers

Freshkill: Needing More
"Cats in the Spotlight": None
Is Flighstar(Alado on?): Kind of..

Sunday, December 5, 2010


"Attack! BreezeClan's under attac-" yowled a BreezeClan cat. Though his meow was cut short.
Cats started to file out of their dens, their fur ruffled and their eyes wide.
Flightstar pelted out of his den his eyes slit as he surveyed the clearing, Sagewhisker was the one who called the alarm, he was wrestling with an orange pelted animal. Foxes! The fur along his spine bristled. "Protect the nursery! Swiftfall stay with the kits. Don't let them destroy BreezeClan!" He yowled as he flung himself at a fox.
His mind blurred, the foxes that he drove out must have gathered it's family members and are now trying to drive out the cats that attacked them.

(Comment below, don't let the foxes get to the nursery! Protect BreezeClan!)


  1. His eyes widened as he perked his ears. "Zarapaw, the clan!" He meowed and turned around, his fur fluffed up, he limped as fast as he could back to the camp.

  2. Zarapaw rushed after him then bounded to the nursery, ready to defend the kits and queens. Suddenly Streakpaw was by her, hissing and spatting.
    ~Zarapaw and Streakpaw

  3. She huddled close to Siftkit for comfort, her eyes wide.

    He tried to bat at a fox but he winced. Suddenly the fox spun around and charged at him, he faced it bravely, hissing and spitting.

  4. Darkflame yowled a battle cry and suddenly tried to be everywhere all at once. He raced to the nursery and battled for the kits' life, then hurried to the leader and tried to defend him, then saw a gray tom, limping, trying to defend himself against a huge fox. "Greypaw," he hissed under his breath, then leapt forward, hurtling into the fox head-first.

  5. "Thank you." Greypaw breathed, wincing in pain. "I don't think I can fight." He meowed, his wounds aching fiercly.

    She yowled and leaped into battle, her fur fluffed up in rage. She was watching her clanmates battle, getting injured. She then raced over to Darkflame and Greypaw. "You're right, go with the queens and kits in the nursery." She meowed.

  6. Horizonheart hissed a growled narrowing her eyes she looked at the foxes feet then its muzzle and locked eyes with the fox in front of her she growled and lunges at its feet making it lose balance then she jumped up and bit into the neck and clawing when it swinged its huge head she let go and droped and bounced back

  7. (Jos, you are doing really well in RP :) )

  8. (thanks Alado) :))

    The Fox snarled and snapped its large muzzle at Horizonheart she jumped up and landed on its muzzle biting its nose just to get flung of by the fox she does a flip in the air and landed on her feet moving forward again slipping under the fox and raising her paw to the belly of the fox cutting it open

  9. He leaped to Horizonheart's side, shoving the fox away from her, he slashed with all his might to protect his newest clanmate. Soon the fox ran away yelping. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking at her belly.

  10. Darkflame nodded to Speckleleaf and spotted Berylmist out of the corner of his eyes. She seemed to be doing fine. Looking over at the nursery, he thought it looked okay as well because of the at least five cats guarding it... but the medicine cat den? He raced over just as a fox attempted to barge in, and barreled into it; the fox was thrown to one side from Darkflame's momentum and strength. Soon, the two animals disappeared into a writhing mass of dark tabby and ginger fur, with the dangerous glint of claws and teeth.

  11. He hobbled over to the nursery, his head hanging low, he should be fighting with his clanmates.

    She watched Darkflame her eyes widen, should she help her clanmate? Though he looked like he was doing fine.

  12. "im fine thank you" She started to pant really hard at the effort of keeping speed with that huge fox
    Suddenly she heard noise from the medicine cat den
    "Sagewhis..ker thats ur name ya lets go to the Medicine den" and she took of running into the fox and darkflame she slips in bitting the fox on the tail making it howl in pain

  13. He padded to the medicine cat's den and gently guided Horizonheart to a nest. "Kindlight, can you watch her belly? Do not let her leave." He meowed. He then ran out, looking for any cats that needed help.

  14. Horizonheart eyes were upset since sagewhisker took her from battling and wanted to really badly fight with her clan mates

  15. He looked for certain pelts, he spotted Silverpaw nudging Greypaw into the nursery, and Dawnmist guard Snowfall's den, he cursed himself silently when he lost his guard and a fox snapped at his hind leg. He whirled around and clawed at it's muzzle.

  16. Zarapaw stood infront of the nursery, her paws planted to the ground. She clawed at a fox as it jumped at her. Soon she was underneath the weight of two foxes instead of one.

    Streakpaw saw his sister and the two foxes and leaped over, slamming one to the ground, then rushing to the other one, hissing and clawing its back. Once the other one was down, he spun around to realize Zarapaw had gotten the other one pinned.

  17. horizonheart slipped out when the med.cat was not looking and ran into three foxes. The biggest one snapped at her she jumped back and hit a tree full force. re-opening her wound and suddenly she felt the three foxes warm breath on her she tryed to call out but all her strength was gone all she could do was hope that someone will save her

  18. (ALA!!!!! WE NEEED THE PROPHECY CATS!!!!!!!!!)

  19. Darkflame spotted Horizonheart, and his eyes narrowed. He nearly flew into the fox, clawing its eye out, and it ran, squealing. He knocked the other fox's feet from under it, and bit onto its tail, making it flee as well. Just as he was about to attack the last one, Berylmist came to his rescue and barreled into the fox. Darkflame could turn around and help Horizonheart. "Are you alright?" He asked, gazing into her blank but still beautiful blue eyes. "I'll get you over to the medicine cat."

  20. Horizonheart was surprise though she could not see who it was she relax as she heard Darkflame's voice and let him pick her up. she did not fight back when he picked her up. soon she pass out from the loss of blood.

  21. Iceblaze's mew became urgent. "Come on, Horizonheart! Don't give up now!" He dragged her over to the medicine cat's den, and shoved her in front of Kindlight's paws. "Help her! She's unconscious! You're a medicine cat! HEAL!"

  22. Horizonheart heard very faint voices but could not wake up soon darkness started to clam her but she fought back * im strong think....head warrior a tough head warroir*

  23. Wintersky Looks at a fox infront of the nursery and snarls at it.


BreezeClan Cats

Medicine Cat
Kindlight (Spottedpaw)
Head Warrior
Iceblaze (Blackpaw)
Senior Warrior
Stormsky (Streakpaw)
Riverheart (Mistpaw)
Dawnmist (Zarapaw)
Sagewhisker (Lionpaw)

Wintersky (Silverpaw)
Horizonheart (Greypaw)
Nightstripe (Featherpaw)
Jadeshine (Rosepaw)
Snowflower (Bluepaw)
Silverpaw (Wintersky)
Icepaw (Flightstar)
Mistpaw (Riverheart)
Greypaw (Horizonheart)
Blackpaw (Iceblaze)
Featherpaw (Nightstripe)
Lionpaw (Sagewhisker)
Streakpaw (Stormsky)

Zarapaw (Dawnmist)
Snowpaw (Jadeshine)
Spottedpaw (Kindlight)
Bluepaw (Snowflower)
Sweetbriar (Siftkit & Snowkit)
Tigerstorm (Changingkit, Redkit & Grasskit)